
Sprite, Saltines, and Mommy's Love

We had a very long night last night. Emily got up several times and told me that she had a bad dream and didn't feel good. Finally a couple of hours before the alarm went off so did her tummy.

The weather has been not so good here and so I was not that disappointed to have the day to spend with her making her feel better. So far today we have had crackers, Sprite, and lots of TLC. I can tell that Em feels pretty bad because with a whole day of mommy to herself (we took brother to school) all she has wanted to do was lay on the couch and watch movies. So we sit in our comfy stay home clothes and snooze in and out of naps as we watch the princess' we love get the men of their dreams. On the agenda for the afternoon is some finger nail painting (not sure if we will go with pink or purple today), maybe another movie, reading some books, and if we really are feeling better maybe a couple of board games.

When I was a kid my mom made this special soup that is a broth I have never ventured to make and let me lay in bed as long as I wanted to. She would rub my back and make sure that I had everything I needed to get better. Even as a child the one thing that I always kept close to my side were my books. Nothing says get better soon to me then spending the day in the world of someone else as I lose myself in the pages. What did your mom/dad/whoever do to make you feel better when you stayed home sick?


Julia@SometimesLucid said...

My sick days were similar to yours. My grandma lived with us and so whenever I was sick my grandma would make me FRESH chicken soup and tea, and would have me lie in bed all day. I would read and watch TV and do nothing else until I felt better.

Adriana said...

FRESH chicken soup sounds awesome. It is so much work though. I love making my own noodles though when I do have time to make it.