

Round 4: Adriana was hit hard on Tuesday night. After four hours of being terribly sick she conceded and spent all of yesterday in bed trying to regain her strength.

Round 5: Bret was convinced that he felt great and wasn't going to get sick. So he took the older two kids and a close friend that was visiting to our favorite Italian restaurant for dinner. About 11:00 last night he regretted this decision. After getting sick the first time he came to bed and announced that that was it he felt better and was sure he was not going to be sick all night like Adriana was. Adriana smiled and patted his shoulder. She told him that all four of the rest of them got sick about once every half hour for five hours. Good luck. Needless to say Bret followed the same pattern. Many points are given to Bret though because although he was sick all night he got up and showered and went to work. He had three surgeries this morning and said that if he had to he would just get fluids in a drip at the hospital. Still feeling weak today Adriana didn't that was too bad of a plan.

We are hopeful that this junk is now over and gone. We have a lot going on next week so we need to be healthy. You won this match stomach bug but let's hope it's a long time before we meet again.

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