
Home Sweet Home

Sorry for the long absence. We went on a mini spring break vacation and although I meant to have a few prescheduled posts that never ended up happening. I also was going to tell you that I was going to be gone but I read somewhere that you shouldn't post exact vacation dates as it could result in robbery or something like that.

A few months ago Bret and I were going through the typical winter blues and wanted to plan a quick vacation to look forward to and for us to get away before things got really crazy. His parents have a cabin in Colorado so we thought why not kill two birds with one stone and meet them out there for a few days. Then I got all ho hum about not getting to see our house before we close on it in June and came up with the brilliant idea of driving to the house from Denver staying overnight and then driving back to Colorado for the rest of our vacation. OK so that idea was not the brilliant part. That came in when I thought to ask our phyiscian recruiter to reimburse us for the plane tickets, hotel, etc for our "housing trip". YEAH!!

So we went and spent some major time in our new home and I am thrilled to say that I LOVE it more than ever (good thing because it would cost us some major moolah to get out of our contract). We took a ton of pictures and measured every room in the house. By some miracle I also talked Bret into going to a furniture store in town while killing some time.

The trip was great and the kids loved seeing the house, grandparents, etc. They were also excited to see their new school. As scary as moving can be sometimes the kids are ready. We have always said that Kansas is home. I will be the first to admit though that getting back to PA and sleeping in our own beds and showering in our own shower reminded me that home is home no matter what state you live in. Our bodies still have no idea what time it is (2 hour time difference in CO plus the daylight savings change) and we are ready for a nice weekend of R&R (except for Bret he is on call...for the last time ever in residency).


Janie Junebug said...

Hello - I came across a link to you on LegalMist so I dropped by. Congrats on loving your new home to be. I wondered what town, city, or windmill in Kansas you consider home. I grew up in Topeka. I am WOMEN:WE SHALL OVERCOME a.k.a. dumpedfirstwife.blogspot.com.

Infinities of love,

Brittney said...

Congratulations on your new home!! Soo exciting - can't wait to see pics:) Glad to hear your kids are looking forward to the move, too. I know that can be stressful. Best wishes with everything:)