
Big Deal

In the past few months Bret has been spending some serious money on things like his board exams, a board review course, his KS license to practice, his KS license to prescribe meds, etc, etc. The nice thing about him having a job already is that the new hospital will reimburse all of these expenses. We also got to submit our quick trip to KS back in March for reimbursement as well.

For the most part the hospital has been great about getting everything back to us. Until recently. I turned in receipts for reimbursement in March and here it was May and I had still not gotten anything back. After two phone calls and several emails I decided to have the doc give them a call.

Nothing frustrates me further than when someone gives Bret the royal treatment after blowing me off. Unfortunately this has happened more times than I can count.

So Bret made a phone call and two days later we had our check that had been over nighted to us. What is really crazy is that Bret gets to play the nice guy just checking in. BLEH.

I voiced my frustration to Bret and he smiled. He told me in his most reassuring voice that in every aspect of his and my life I am in charge.....except in the hospital. At his hospital he is in charge and he is the big deal. At first I tried to explain that it had nothing to do with that. Even when I am talking to the mechanic/car dealer/insurance company/etc/etc I still felt like Bret was given more respect. After I thought about it though I realized what he was trying to tell me. Bret is a big deal to this hospital and this town. It is a feeling he has worked for for a long time. So I let it go. He has always been a big deal to me.

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