
Imperfect Progress

I recently read a book for my bible study group that had an underlying theme that really struck me.  The book was about keeping your head (and not blowing up) when things are really stressful.  This was good information but it was something else that she talked about that really hit home for me.

In the beginning of the book she talked about how sometimes the fear of failing or the fear of not being able to do something perfectly prevents from even trying.  That is so me.  I mentioned the diet and how hard it is for me and that is a perfect example.  If I go over on my calories or if I don't make it to the gym one day I feel like a failure and that I should just quit.  I am so hard on myself that I fail to realize that imperfect progress is still progress.

Each time that I try and have even a small success it is still worth trying.  So today was a bad day.  It happens.  That doesn't mean that I should keep trying or that all of my effort up until this point wasn't still valid.  So that has become something that I keep tucked into my heart.  Imperfect progress is still progress.

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