
First Date

10 years ago today Bret and I went on our first date. 10 years ago yesterday we met for the first time and spent the entire night talking. I remember this exactly because tomorrow is Bret's birthday.

10 years, marriage, three kids, 3 moves, 1 house, undergrad, grad school, 4 jobs, med school, and most of residency later and here we are.

This past weekend there was a really nasty car accident on the corner right in front of our apartment. We all heard the crash and new just from the sounds that it was bad. Both Bret and I went outside to see what happened. Without even thinking twice Bret went to both cars individually to make sure everyone was OK. There were 5 adults, 1 youth, and an infant involved. While no one was bleeding it was still a very serious accident with a broken foot, chest pains, and probably at least one broken collar bone. Bret immediately took charge of the scene telling people to stay in the car and that everyone was going to be OK. I stood in our front yard with other neighbors with our hearts racing hoping that the emergency responders would get there soon. I saw so much fear and pain in the victims' eyes and how they heard your voice and felt reassured. The elderly man that spoke little to no English handed you his cell phone and you calmly talked to his adult children. You also spoke to 911 and told them that they were going to need at least 4 ambulances.

I have always wanted to be a fly on the wall when you delivered a baby...in a way watching you after this accident was kind of the same thing. I was so proud of you.

So much has changed in the past 10 years. WE have changed. On the other hand somethings have not changed at all. We still are the two most stubborn people I know. We can still spend 17 hours in the car talking without running out of things to say. We still have a lot of fun and laugh often. We are still crazy about each other.

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